Follow and share about our candidates on social media and don’t forget to vote on May 13!!!
Aidan Slaten for Board of Selectmen
- Follow Aidan’s Facebook profile by searching Aidan Slaten. It’s not a page, so it can’t be shared, but the posts are all set to public so the individual posts CAN be shared. Please Follow his profile and don’t “Add Friend”. https://www.facebook.
com/profile.php?id= 61557217110347 - Follow @aidan_for_select_board on Instagram. https://www. select_board/
Linda Long-Bellil for Board of Selectmen
- Follow the Linda Long-Bellil Candidate for Holden Select Board page on Facebook https://www. 100081873624432 - Follow @lindalongbellil on Instagram https://www.
Lauren Salmon-Garrett for Wachusett Regional School Committee
- Follow Lauren Salmon-Garrett – Wachusett Regional School District Committee on Facebook https://www.facebook.
com/LaurenSGforWRSD - Follow @laurensgforwrsd https
:// laurensgforwrsd/
Richard Maurer and Alan Degutis for Trustees of Damon Memorial
- Share this post from the HDTC Facebook page https://www.facebook.
com/ HoldenDemocraticTownCommittee/ posts/ pfbid0MBChzDbnKZxjiRwaH5zVqJ2L YgqQiBxJhdMUpeJbRT7Us2MjPvs5hX 3ZCqwhmyfLl
Holden Democratic Town Committee
- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.
com/ HoldenDemocraticTownCommittee - We will be posting a lot about our candidates and the election in the coming weeks, so please share