Early voting for the November election

Early voting will be available at the Town Clerk’s office during regular business hours from Monday October 24 until noon on Friday November 4.

You may register to vote until 20 days before the election. Deadline for the November Presidential election is end of business day on Wednesday October 19, 2016.  Contact the Holden Town Clerk at Town Hall with any questions.

Democratic State Convention on June 5

2016-03-05 09.15.43The Democratic State Convention will be held this year on Saturday, June 5 in the Tsongas Center in Lowell, Massachusetts.

The Holden Town Democratic Committee held a caucus on Saturday, March 5, 2016. Nine delegates will be sent to the convention from Holden.

Delegates are as follows: Stephanie Adams, Chair of the Holden Town Democrats Committee;

Women Delegates: Linda Long-Bellil, Karen King, Robin Van Liew, Margaret Watson

Men Delegates: James Flynn, Karl Hakkarainen, Ken Mills, Ken O’Brien

Bernie Sanders Headquarters in Worcester

Recently a Bernie Sanders Headquarters opened at 256-258 Park Avenue in Worcester. Nate Flynn has joined the campaign as a staff member. Nate is looking for volunteers for Bernie, so if anyone would like to participate in a phone bank or host a yard sign, or volunteer in other ways, please get in touch with Nate at kbking05@charter.net.

unnamedHello Friends,

Please join me this Friday February 12th at 5:30-8:30

Wachusett for Bernie Phone Bank
Karen King, 45 Brunnell Dr. in Holden
Good friends, progressive values, and food!

Please bring your cell phone and lap top.

Feel the Bern in Holden!!
