Name, town: Shannon Poole, Holden

Position sought: Representative to the Wachusett Regional School District School Committee
My name is Shannon Poole. I’m running a write-in campaign for school committee to give Holden voters more choice.
My family moved here in summer 2022 looking for a great school district for our three young boys, two of whom attend Davis Hill Elementary. My wife is an artist and middle school teacher in another district. I work in IT at a leading software company.
My interest in education stems from my experience as a parent. In our prior district, I saw firsthand how underfunding, teacher burnout and large class sizes can hinder student progress. We wanted a better district for our kids, and that’s how we ended up in Holden.
Now that we are settled, I want to give back and help Wachusett move forward to support all kids, as well as the teachers and staff who work wonders every day.
I am optimistic that we can address the issues our district faces. Some issues on my mind:
• I will be a positive and respectful committee member and pledge to model civil political discourse and civic engagement for our kids.
• I will focus on the committee’s essential function of financial and operational oversight. While investing in teachers, staff, materials, technology and facilities is necessary to maintain high performance, the committee needs to keep a critical eye on the budget, especially given the financial issues uncovered in the external review.
• The capital needs of our schools include space issues, playground accessibility, and school security. The committee should ensure that administration is following its long-term capital plan. Many projects can only be accomplished through collaboration with town leaders.
• The outdated literacy curriculum needs to be changed to an up-to-date, evidence-based curriculum with more emphasis on phonics. The committee should push the administration to move quickly on this change, while ensuring that staff are adequately trained.
• I will work with others to organize and advocate for more funding from the state for regional school transportation costs.
• Finally, I strongly believe that every kid deserves the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment. If elected, I will support policies that foster rigorous academic outcomes, while also providing a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Find me on Facebook and Instagram for more information. Most importantly, VOTE on May 8. Write in Shannon Poole, 12 Windsor Court for School Committee. Thank you.
See Write-in voting in Holden for additional information.